
父母 & 家庭 pg电子app平台


父母 & 家庭

欢迎来到pg电子app平台大家庭! 我们很高兴您的学生选择了BSC.

作为对你的学生的支持,我们希望你能参与到BSC校园中来. 全年我们都有田径比赛, 戏剧, 音乐会, 艺术放映, 还有很多其他对公众开放的活动. 的 神秘的市场 Dining Center is open to the public to enjoy a meal with your student 和 experience BSC's beautiful campus.


虽然这对你和你的学生来说是一个激动人心的时刻,但也可能是一个充满压力的时刻. College is much different than high school 和 can be an added challenge to those working or caring for dependents. 你的学生将比以往承担更多的责任. BSC offers a number of resources to support your student as they learn how to manage their time, 他们的学术和生活.
  • 家长常见问题解答(向下滚动):获取家长最常见问题的答案. 
  • 发现二元同步通信 (below): Learn pg电子app平台 the tools 和 resources designed for your student's success.   
  • 参观 日历日期和截止日期页 帮助你的学生保持条理和提前计划.
  • 学生的政策 图书馆政策: 的权利, 学生享有的责任和特权, 这些政策概述了教职员工. 
神秘的建议 & 咨询中心(MACC)
周一至周五:上午8点.m.- 4 p.m.


Accepted students will receive a registration communication from the 学习成绩 Office.  的 communication will contain information pg电子app平台 preparing for registration including setting up a new student registration appointment. Communications will be sent to accepted students starting in March for the fall semester 和 October for the Spring semester.
我的学生没有被他们选择的专业录取. 还有别的选择吗??
当学生没有达到特定pg电子app平台或课程的要求分数时, 他们可以参加ACCUPLACER分班考试来提高分班成绩. 的 ACCUPLACER placement exam provides students with information pg电子app平台 their academic skills. 分数会根据英语(写作)、数学和阅读的适当位置进行筛选. 在没有时间限制的情况下,学生通常花一个半到两个小时来完成整个考试. 虽然分班考试是计算机化的,但计算机技能不是必需的. 访问 测试服务 了解更多信息或安排预约.
每个BSC学生根据他们的学习计划被分配一名学术顾问. 该顾问可能是教师或专业顾问. 学生可以在CampusConnection中找到他们的指导老师的名字和联系信息.
A relationship with an academic advisor provides students with an educational plan that fits life goals 和 objectives. 最重要的是,顾问帮助学生选择适合所选学位的课程. Any changes to a schedule or questions pg电子app平台 a course or program are reasons to connect with an advisor.
Students should bring a list of courses they would like to enroll in as well as a list of questions or topics they would like to discuss with their advisor. Advisors can answer questions related to student success support services 和 questions relating to your career of interested.
是的. 要请求更改,请填写 pg电子app平台/顾问变更表.
大学目录 提供有关所有理学士学位计划的信息. Students can schedule an appointment with their academic advisor to review degree plans 和 develop a completion plan. 学生可以在校园连接中找到他们的指导老师的名字.

是的. Advising 和 Career Services offers guidance for students who are uncertain pg电子app平台 their academic goals. 的 神秘咨询中心(MACC) 在学生会的下层. A variety of assessment tests 和 occupational information are available for students to begin early career planning.
被认为是全日制学生, 学生每学期必须至少修满12个学分. 然而, an average course load for a full-time student is usually 14-16 credits per semester. 有外部责任(如工作、家庭等)的学生.),或者遇到学业困难的学生可以考虑减少课程负担. 非全日制注册状态会产生影响 财政援助状况. A student should expect to spend at least 40 hours a week for class time 和 studying when taking 15 credits per semester.
这在很大程度上取决于学生的信用负担, 财务需要, 参与课外活动和家庭责任. 作为一名全日制学生相当于全职工作. Time management 和 balancing responsibilities is something to discuss with an academic advisor. 学生有各种各样的 校园就业 机会.
的 金融援助 office assists students in preparing a budget 和 securing funding for their educational expenses. 经济援助和奖学金 信息可在位于舍费尔大厅的财政援助办公室获得.
学生将需要填写FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助) www.studentaid.政府. Both parent 和 student will need to create a Federal Student 援助 (FSA) ID on the FAFSA website. When completing the FAFSA form we recommend for the student 和 parent to utilize the IRS Data Retrieval Tool that is available on the income part of the FAFSA. pg电子app平台的学校代码是002988. 访问一步一步的说明申请经济援助.
神秘的卡片s are printed at the Information Desk in the 学生会 between 8 am 和 4 pm Monday-Friday. Students will need to bring their EMPL ID number (same as the student ID number) as well as their class schedule from CampusConnection (proof that you are enrolled in BSC courses for the current semester) 和 photo ID. 第一张身份证是免费的,但补领遗失或被盗的身份证要收费10美元. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 神秘身份证网页.
If a student wants to withdraw from a class or totally withdraw from BSC, what needs to be done?
如果学生决定不参加pg电子app平台, it is the student's responsibility to withdraw from a class or withdraw to zero credits prior to the deadline. 欲知详情,请浏览 提现至零积分日期及截止日期.
然而,为了学生记录的目的,学院假定所有学生都是独立的. 想要将教育记录发布给第三方的学生必须填写 FERPA发布表或授权访问校园连接. 填妥的表格必须提交到学术记录办公室处理. 在学生以书面形式撤销该同意之前,该释放仍然有效.  然而, faculty 和 staff are still limited in the amount of information they can share with you.
Students can view which textbooks are needed for each course by searching CampusConnection (教科书查看帮助表). 的 校历 会列出每学期学生可以开始查看列表的第一个日期吗.

学生可以访问这个列表, 和 check various sources for pricing information prior to purchasing the books at the 二元同步通信书店 on the second floor of the 学生会 or 可以在BSC书店网站上找到. Some textbooks are available for rental through the 二元同步通信书店 or they can be charged to excess financial aid or third parties usually starting the Thursday before classes begin.

Students MUST have a student ID 和 class schedule in order to purchase textbooks at the 二元同步通信书店.

It is the responsibility of all students to remain in contact with their instructors regarding progress in enrolled courses. 只有期末成绩才会公布 CampusConnection.
许多大一新生对专业不确定. Career Counseling Services in the MACC offer assistance to help BSC students make informed decisions pg电子app平台 career 和 educational goals.
辅导服务 are available on a walk-in basis in the Sykes 学生的成功 Center/辅导 Room located in Jack Science Center room 022. 这个房间在大楼连接3个房间的部分rd 从杰克科学中心一楼到里奇音乐中心. 的re is also an outside entrance from the sidewalk between the Jack Science Center 和 Schafer Hall. 
如果学生在高中有过IEP, BSC有哪些服务?
在高中参加过IEP或504计划的学生, should contact the 学生可访问性 Office (701-224-2496) for accommodation services that may be available. 个人教育计划(IEP)或504计划, 如果你有的话, 是否可以帮助您确定对您有效的服务. 然而, this is generally not sufficient documentation because of the differences between postsecondary education 和 high school education. 更多信息请访问我们的网站 访问页面.